السانتور شوكت مسلماني يستقبل نائب منطقة عكار السيد مصطفى حسين

استقبل السانتور شوكت مسلماني ضيف الجالية ونائب منطقة عكار السيد مصطفى حسين في مكتبه ببرلمان ولاية نيو ساوث ويلز، ولكي نعرف المزيد عن الزيارة وماذا حدث بها اتصلنا بالسانتور مسلماني فقال:
I received the Lebanese MP representing Akar North Lebanon Mr Moustpha Hussein today at Parliament House. After welcoming him into my office we had a general discussion about lebanese Australian migration, involvement and contribution to mainstream society in all avenues in business in politics and trade and so forth and our presence in the Auatralian political system in localgovernment state and federal levels. we then discussed Lebanese politics and its complexities and its drawbacks due to sectarianism as well as to its  confessional politics, to the failure of the state, to the environmental Disasters to economic and social problems. 

I took the opportunity to raise with him the unfortunate if not sad circumstances the land owners or farmers of Konin in Southern Lebanon having to find themselves fighting yet another form of oppression and occupation but this time in the form of feudal lord, Iqtaa seeking to take the land from them when Israel through occupation failed to do. 

So I took the opportunity to raise the plight of the people of Konin with Deputy Hussein and asked him to convey the pleas of the families of Konin here inAustralia and convey it to the relevant people in the Lebanese government to take the necessary decision to help konin Free itself  from the Shackles of Iqtaa.

I then took Moustapha for a tour of parliament and explained the history of the NSW Parliament as the first and longest and continues parliament in Australia. 



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